December 8, 2021 Summary of our General Meeting (Virtual)

New member oath of obligation:  Srividya Srnivasan and Samantha Ghoury

Minutes from last GM – Melissa Schuurman

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: to pause the presentation of minutes as guest speaker, David Fleming

Discussion: Rhea Clements withdrew her nomination to Education Committee, so Kamal was acclaimed

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: to accept minutes as presented

M/S/C:  Melissa Schuurman/Lyn Ferec/All in favour

Treasurer’s Report –Lyn Ferec

Discussion: Presented financials from November. Question about staff numbers.  Note that Lancaster training that Lois/Melissa were to attend Dec.1/2 was cancelled and rescheduled for March.

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: to accept the report as presented

M/S/C:  Lyn Ferec/Melissa Schuurman/All in favour

Executive Report – Cindy Ozouf

Discussion: Met twice since last GM. Discussed holiday social, donations, and TRU investigation.

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: to accept the report as presented

M/S/C:  Cindy Ozouf/Navin Jain/All in favour

Motions from Executive Report:

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: To add an additional $700 to holiday donations

M/S/C:  Cindy Ozouf/Navin Jain/All in favour

                Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: to purchase a holiday present for Connie valued at $150, with funds to come out of general office budget line

M/S/C:  Cindy Ozouf/Navin Jain/All in favour

                Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: Donation of $100 to Local 1630 to come out of Solidarity Budget line

Discussion: Question was asked about amount of money left in Solidarity Budget Line, Lyn confirmed $600.

M/S/C:  Cindy Ozouf/Navin Jain/All in favour

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: Emergency Motion to donate $500 to the CUPE BC Disaster Relief Fund with funds to come out of the Solidarity Budget Line.

M/S/C:  Cindy Ozouf/Navin Jain/All in favour

CUPE BC Child Care Campaign – David Fleming (CUPE) and Melissa Schuurman

Presented CUPE BC Childcare campaign with website and links, encourage member to sign the petition on the website and share campaign on social media and in the community


Trustee Report – Linda Fleck

Went through every document, hard to find anything out of order.  Grant money found before expenses, so all balanced.  Some vouchers not signed properly (COVID related).  Good job to Connie and Lyn for all their work.  Trustee report has been sent to CUPE National.

Treasurer’s response: Thank you to Treasurer, will take recommendations and make improvements.

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: to accept the trustee report as presented

M/S/C:  Linda Fleck/Cindy Ozouf/All in favour

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: approve money to move Grievances 21-06, 21-07 and 21-08 to Arbitration

M/S/C:  Melissa Schuurman/Cindy Ozouf/All in favour

Discussion and updates:

  • TRU Investigation – still pushing for leave of absence and fair investigation to be done. Working with TRUFA on next steps and will keep the membership posted
  • Negotiations – going ahead with plan for proposals, so please send proposals to CUPE office

Good of the Union: 
Members in attendance at the meeting were entered into a draw for $100 prize and our regular $20 door prizes along with holiday prizes.  Winners were:

$200 GC for Brownstone Restaurant (for contributing to CUPE recipe book) – Lee-Gaye Hicketts

A wine package from Kamloops Wineries (approx value $150) – Lyn Ferec

BC Wildlife Park Gift Certificate (value $120 each) – Shannon James

BC Wildlife Park Gift Certificate (value $120 each) – Debbie Wasylyshan


Bliss Float Packages (value $100 each) – Krista Stoez

Bliss Float Packages (value $100 each) – Samantha Ghourie

Bliss Float Packages (value $100 each) – Jon Mackintosh

Downtown Business Improvement Association Gift Certificates (value $20) – Jasmine Haskell

Downtown Business Improvement Association Gift Certificates (value $20) – Cindy Ozouf

Downtown Business Improvement Association Gift Certificates (value $20) – Kendall Levalee

Downtown Business Improvement Association Gift Certificates (value $20) – Brianna Senner

Downtown Business Improvement Association Gift Certificates (value $20) – Amanda Laughton

“Turkey” GC draws (value $25) – David Johnson

“Turkey” GC draws (value $25) – Sarah Aloisio

“Turkey” GC draws (value $25) – Theresa Demaris

“Turkey” GC draws (value $25) – Donna Scott

$20 – Brody Rideout

$20 – Umme Mansory

Grand Prize Draw – Andrew Skapenko

Prize Includes One night stay at the Delta Hotel 540, complimentary bottle of champagne, free parking and complimentary breakfast for two at Cordo Resto and Bar

plus a $75 Visa Card for your spending pleasure.
Approximate Value $400.

Names for the Grand Prize draw will be entered based on number of times members have attended a General Meeting since September and will include attendance at the December Meeting too.  Members do not have to be in attendance to win this one.

Congratulations.  Connie will be in touch.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:45PM

Motion 08-DEC-2021-G##: that this meeting be adjourned.

M/S/C:  Lois Rugg/ /All in favour