Joint Job Evaluation

Contact the Union office ( if you have been asked to have your job reviewed by JJEC. We can offer assistance with the forms or answer questions about the JJEC.

What Is Job Evaluation?

Job evaluation (JE) is a process to create a fair and objective wage structure at TRU. The JE process is created jointly by CUPE and management with consideration of changes in job descriptions and responsibilities over time.

Job evaluation is a method of making sure that each job is recognized and appropriately compensated for duties and requirements. JE considers job factors such as physical effort, experience, education, judgement, and others.

Job evaluation is designed to assess the job, not an individual’s performance. Negotiating the JE criteria is an ongoing process that we hope results in better and more accurate job ratings over time.

Job Evaluation IS…

  • About the job
  • A measure of job value
  • Used to set internal equity
  • A process
  • Participative and consultative
  • An art

Job Evaluation IS NOT…

  • About the person doing the job
  • A measure of performance
  • How other organizations might value similar jobs
  • A manual
  • A small backroom committee
  • An exact science

How Our JE Works

CUPE and management negotiate, implement, and maintain a job evaluation program and a Joint Job Evaluation Committee (JJEC). The JJEC is comprised of three CUPE members and three TRU management representatives, who work together to consider job duties and responsibilities and rank a position into a payband.

  • New jobs are evaluated to ensure the job posting is accurate for the actual work performed.
  • Existing jobs are reviewed periodically to ensure the job description matches the duties and responsibilities of the position, which may have changed over time, and to ensure the position is compensated fairly.

CUPE members have a say in the process by completing your Job Evaluation Questionnaire with your supervisor, which will then be rated by the committee.

How Do I Get My Job Evaluated?

If the job duties have changed, CUPE members or supervisors can request a position be re-evaluated by contacting HR to access the appropriate form.

Who Are the Joint Job Evaluation Committee (JJEC)?

The JJEC is comprised of three CUPE members and three TRU management representatives. For current information about the CUPE members on this committee, see our committees page.

What Documents Do I Need?

If your position is being reviewed or appealed, you will need your current job description and previous JE rating (if available). You can request these from your supervisor, HR, or the Union.

You will also need the following:

  • JE Maintenance Manual (November 2019, v. 2): This provides definitions, key terms to use (see Appendix A), and an overview of the process.
  • Job Evaluation Questionnaire 2014: This is the form you complete about your job. Your supervisor also has sections to complete. This is the primary reference document used in the JE committee’s interview.
  • Job Evaluation Plan 2014: This explains how each section is rated.

You can include other documents to clarify your job or help the committee understand your position. For example, you might prepare a flowchart to show decision making or a time tracking document to show what is involved in a “normal” day in your position. Contact the Union office if you have any questions.

What’s the JE Process?

The process for the incumbent in preparing for the job evaluation is gathering evidence about your job and your work; filling out a Job Evaluation Questionnaire (JEQ). The questionnaire must be reviewed and signed off by your supervisor who may agree or disagree with your JEQ document. The questionnaire and supporting documents are then submitted to HR.

You and any other incumbents in the position will meet with the JE committee; the JE committee will provide the ratings within 10 days.

You can appeal the JE committee’s decision within 30 calendar days of receiving their decision if it meets the criteria for appeal (see Manual). Submit the appeal form to HR (only submit factors you are appealing). If the committee agrees that you have met the criteria to appeal you may meet with the JE committee again and notification of change or no change to the ratings will be provided within 10 days.

If the committee can not come to a consensus on the evaluation decision either at the original review or at the appeal there is a another level of the process. The JE will go to the Manger appointed by TRU and the National Union JE Expert to first see if they can help the committee come to a consensus and make a decision. If a decision cannot be reached the Manager appointed and the JE Expert will make a decision on the evaluation.

What Happens if my Payband Is Increased?

If it is a new position the increase is retroactive to your hiring date. If the position has been reviewed it will be retroactive to the date the review was submitted. If the position has increased as a result of an appeal it will be retroactive to the original date the questionnaire.

What Happens if I’m Red-Circled (My Payband Is Lowered)?

If your position moves down a payband, your position will be considered “red-circled”. This means your salary will remain the same, but new employees hired to the position in the future will receive the lower payband. When the lower payband increases to your current level, your wage is unfrozen. If you have any questions contact the Union.

You can appeal the JE committee’s decision within 30 calendar days of receiving their decision if it meets the grounds for appeal. For further details of the appeal process, please see Article 7 of the Maintenance Manual 2019.

What Happens if I Don’t Agree with the Rating?

If you don’t agree with the JE rating, you can appeal the committee’s decision within 30 calendar days of receiving their decision. For details of the appeal process, please see Article 7 of the JE Maintenance Manual (November 2019, v. 2).

Who Reviews the Appeal?

The appeal is reviewed by the same JE committee members. Your supervisor will comment on the appeal.

Who Can I Talk to for Help?

The CUPE representatives on the JE committee are happy to help if you have questions while completing the questionnaire or for information about the process or contact the union office at

Talk to your supervisor. Your supervisor has a section to fill-out as well, and it is helpful if you both agree on the submission before going before the committee. The JE questionnaire should describe your job in your words, so your supervisor should not ask for changes.

What Should I Write in the Questionnaire?

Complete the questionnaire accurately using the verbs and terms outlined in Appendix A of the JE Maintenance Manual 2019. Ambiguity or disagreements between committee members about how to rate the skill could work against us, so be clear and precise with the wording.

Start each item with the verb to help the committee members. List regular or more frequent job duties at the top. Prepare examples to support your JE submission, but be strategic about what the example conveys. Scoring high in one category might lower a score in another category. Do you want to emphasize the duration of concentration or the frequency of interruptions, for example? If you have any questions contact the Union.

What Happens in the Interview?

Committee members are our peers who are tasked with understanding and rating other people’s work, so don’t feel intimidated if they ask questions or ask for examples to clarify your submission. They need to understand fully.

It can be helpful to prepare examples of typical work duties and responsibilities in advance and rehearse the phrasing before the interview.

Where Can I Read More About Job Evaluation at TRU?

Article 24 and Letter K found in the collective agreement provides some specific details.

How Are Decisions Made?

Consensus is how the committee comes to a decision on each category. Consensus decision-making is a group decision-making process and is used to describe both the decision and the process of reaching a decision. The committee will deliberate and finalize a decision through this process. The JE committee is following a raters guide and are limited to the wording of the guides’ parameters.

If the committee cannot reach a consensus — e.g., if there is a duty in a job description that is difficult to rate using the guide — the committee may ask a third party to help determine the rating. The third party is a National Union JE expert and a Manager appointed by TRU.

What Supports Does CUPE Provide?

There are other supports for members when they are going through the JE process. You can discuss issues with shop stewards or your Union office and President. The Union offers information sessions on the process at lunch and learns and other workshops, as well as one on one meetings with individuals.

What Is the JE Committee’s Mandate?

See Article 24 of the collective agreement and the Job Evaluation Manual.

The current JJEC resources: