January 13, 2021 – Summary of our Membership Meeting (Virtual)

Here is a summary of our January meeting:

Happy New Year everyone!

Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for our first general meeting of 2021 yesterday.

Here is a brief summary of our meeting and discussions

Election for Job Evaluation Committee – Alternate
Congratulations to Jasmine Haskell elected to the position and thanks to all for letting their name stand.

Hardship Fund Discussion

Reminder that this fund of $100 is available for those members who may be in need. Applications will be vetted by our Office Admin and you will be required to provide evidence of need. The Application is posted on website and we will resend to the CUPE list as well. All applications, names and information will be kept confidential. The Executive will make the decisions on each application on a case by case need basis. First time applicants will have priority. The fund is available until June 30th.

Okanagan Mainline District Council (OMDC) Young Worker opportunity – CUPE BC Convention

Karl Fultz provided information on opportunity for young worker to attend CUPE BC convention, sponsored by OMDC. Only one spot available, discussed eligibility criteria and application process. Applicants from all CUPE Locals affiliated to the OMDC are eligible to apply so odds will be based on total number of applicants. If you are a young worker, between the age of 18 to 30 inclusive, in our local please send us a paragraph of why you would like to be considered for this opportunity to attend the CUPE BC convention. Send the application to the Executive via cupe4879@shaw.ca by February 14th. Deadline subject to change as we are waiting to hear officially from the OMDC what their deadline is. The Convention will be held virtually over 3 days, 9am to 4pm, May 19-21. Wages and expenses (if any) will be covered.

President Report/update:

Grievance updates:
One grievance filed so far this year regarding selection and there are 5-6 outstanding from previous years. Will be taking 3 grievance to mediation with Arbitrator Mark Brown. We are still waiting for dates.

Layoff update:
We still have people on temp leave. Some people have already been told that there positions will be eliminated and so are not being brought back. They have been offered their layoff options. Some members are still waiting to hear and the Union is hoping TRU will make decisions soon about those members and if there leave will be extended or not. Several people have also been told they will be bringing back their position back so some positive news on that front. We will let the membership know what the final numbers look like as we learn more but want members to know that this is about more than numbers and that we continue and always need to be kind to each other in these times of trouble and distress. Please reach out if you need support or just need to talk.
Benefits for those turning 65:

Some members reaching 65 years of age are still receiving automated letter from Manulife saying their benefits will no longer be available. The Union would like to clarify that those members will not receive LTD and will have reduced life insurance when they turn 65 but will still receive short term disability benefits and get extended health benefits until age 70. HR (People and Culture) have been trying to work with Manulife to get this resolved so they do not send our members automated emails but to date this has not stopped. TRU puts those members who are age 65 to 70 into a different class re benefits. Unfortunately benefits do cease at age 70 but Manulife has a follow me plan. Depending on your personal circumstance you may also want to look into BC Forum who has a group plan to age 75 for a membership fee of approx. $20

Pension plan, changes coming in 2022.
Just a reminder that Bridging will still be an option for those it may benefit but will be prorated based on years of service that members have paid into it after 2022. Once the changes occur in 2022 people will be accumulating a larger amount in their pension as the plan will no longer be funding the bridging. This will benefit younger members more but will have some benefit to others depending on how long you work after 2022. CUPE 4879 will be offering a lunch ‘n’ learn on pensions for an opportunity to learn more and ask general questions. Date TBA. If you have specific questions about your personal pension we would encourage you to contact the MPP directly.

Coldest Night of the Year: joining Kamloops and District Labour Council (Team Labour Council 2021)
This year, the across Canada fundraising event will be virtual and held on Feb.20th Participants can walk with their bubble or by themselves on a safe route they have mapped out in their own neighbourhood or neighbourhoods they feel comfortable in. The walking distance should be between 2 to 5 km approximately. It is an honour system of course.

There was a motion at the GM to sponsor up to $300 for the event. $50 each for up to 6 participants from CUPE 4879 who join the Labour Council 2021 team. To register for the CNOY 2021 event go to https://cnoy.org/home and register to fundraise (or donate). You can look for your location (For majority of members – Kamloops) and then it will guide you on how to register for the team Labour Council 2021. This year the Team Captain is Talitha Dekker from HEU. The incentive to participate or donate to team Labour Council 2021 is for bragging rights if the team is the number one fundraiser, but most importantly it supports the Mustard Seed and all of the great work they do for our homeless persons and our community.

If you are one of the first 6 CUPE members to register as a participant on the team we will make sure we donate $50 toward your fundraising goal. Contact myself presidentcupe4879@shaw.ca or cupe4879@shaw.ca to confirm you have registered We would invite and encourage all members to make a personal donation large or small if you can, either to yourself if participating, a CUPE 4879 member on team Labour Council 2021 or to the Team itself.

CUPE 4879 Bursary:
Reminder that CUPE bursary deadline is Jan.15. The Education committee will review applications and announce the winners sometime in February.

Kamloops and District Labour Council Bursary

Congrats to Cindy Ozouf and Dana Bach, each winners of KDLC bursary this year. Reminder to members that each year the KDLC awards 5 x $1000 bursaries. 3 are general and 1 is specifically for Trades Programs. The 5th is a relatively new bursary in Memory of Cindy Ross Friedman that is awarded to a woman who is studying in the STEM programs.

Financial Query from member
One of the questions asked last night at our meeting was about the 4879 budget. The question was when the Budget was presented and approved, did the Executive account for layoffs and retirements – Lois and Lyn provided response that yes the Executive did anticipate lower dues and adjusted some of our expenditures. We have approved a deficit budget this year but we are still in good shape and will be watching as the year goes on.

Door Prizes:
Members in attendance at the meeting were entered into a draw for our regular $20 door prizes and our spin it to win it wheel.
Congratulations to Michael Dillon and Marianna Abutalipova

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Executive, Committee members or contact our office. A complete list of names of elected committee members will be posted shortly.

December 14, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting (Virtual)

Here is the summary of our December meeting:

Thank you to all those who were able to attend the December General Meeting.

We welcomed Kole Lawrence and Shatelle Bishop members of TRUSU who presented the TRUSU campaign to end Canada’s discriminatory blood ban that prohibits MSM (men who have sex with Men) and trans women from donating blood. TRUSU’s campaign is proposing Canada move to a behaviour based blood donation model versus an identity based blood donation model currently being used in Canada. Many countries have adopted the behaviour based model. Since the 80’s the blood ban has gone from 100 % ban to in recent years a 3 month ban. This 3 month ban still discriminates against persons in monogamous and in long term relationships who practise safe sex. The membership passed a motion to support the “End the Blood Ban” campaign through letter writing, emails and social media.

Trustees Navin Jain and Linda Fleck presented the findings from the audit. Overall the Trustees were very happy with how the Finances and the books were being handled on the membership’s behalf. Treasurer, Lyn Ferec thanked the Trustees and responded that the recommendations brought forward were good ones and would be implemented. We would like to thank Linda, Navin and Cristian for their excellent work.

Motions were passed at the meeting to approve our annual holiday donations and to increase them from $100 to $200 using the money we would have spent on the Christmas Social. We will be donating to the BCSPCA, the Kamloops Food Bank, YMCA Women’s Shelter, the Mustard Seed, TRU Student Union Food Bank, Out of the Cold and Christmas Amalgamated.

CUOE 4879 usually supports the Annual Shoe and Red Dress Memorial sponsored by the KDLC. The event was cancelled this year due to COVID so the organizers asked affiliates to donate to the Y- Women’s Shelter or the Kamloops Sexual Assault Counseling Centre (KSACC). The membership passed a motion to donate $200 to the KSACC.

Congrats to Navin Jain acclaimed as the 2nd VP, Linda Fleck acclaimed for the Labour Management Committee and Evelyn Penny for the Negotiations Committee Alternate position, all 2 year terms starting in January. In addition, Kamala Johal has joined the Communications Committee and Shop Steward, Cynthia Bosdet will continue to be on the Social Committee. Again we would like to thank everyone who has served on the committees, let their names stand and who will serve on committees. Your commitment and time is appreciated by the membership.

Reminder that we will be holding the election for the JE Alternate position and we will also be electing a 2 year position for Trustee who will replace Navin.

The CUPE 4879 holiday wheel was spun at the meeting to draw prizes supporting local business. The list of prizes and winners was posted on our CUPE List. Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to our winners.

We know this may be a difficult and challenging holiday season for everyone and some may be struggling more than others. A reminder that our Hardship Fund is available till June. Please contact cupe4879@shaw.ca if you would like a form to complete. Your name and information will be kept confidential.

On behalf of the Executive and myself we would like to wish you all the best of the season. Please take care of yourselves. Be safe and be well.

November 18, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting (Virtual)

Here is the summary of our November meeting:

Thanks to all who joined us at the CUPE 4879 General Meeting November 18th via Microsoft Teams. Here is a summary of the meeting as recorded by Melissa Schuurman.

It was announced at the meeting that Karl Fultz is retiring end of March, will not be running for positions. Lois thanked him for his years of service, his passion for our members and Union principles.

Nominations were accepted and here are the results:

-President Lois Rugg – Accepted/Acclaimed
-2nd Vice President – Jackie Enders – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Recording Secretary- Melissa Schuurman – Accepted/Acclaimed

Negotiation Committee – Chair

-Melissa Schuurman – Accepted/Acclaimed

Negotiation Committee (3 positions and 1 alternate)

-President – Lois Rugg
-Lyn Ferec – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Cindy Ozouf – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Jackie Enders – Accepted/Acclaimed
*Alternate position vacant

Grievance Committee – Chair

-Melissa Schuurman – Accepted/Acclaimed

Grievance Committee (4 positions)

-President – Lois Rugg
-Cindy Ozouf – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Joanne Atherton – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Jackie Enders – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Jasmine Haskell – Accepted/Acclaimed

Labour Management Committee (4 positions)

-President – Lois Rugg
-Lyn Ferec – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Kristin Webb – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Debbie Wasylyshyn – Accepted/Acclaimed
*1 vacancy

Joint OH&S (2 positions)

-Mike Dhillon – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Jason Staruiala – Accepted/Acclaimed

Trustee (1 position)

-Linda Fleck – Accepted/Acclaimed

Education Committee (1 position)

-Cindy Ozouf – Accepted/Acclaimed

Job Evaluation Committee (2 positions and 1 alternate)

-Mike Dillon (3 year position) – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Brenda Eshelby (1 year, remainder of term) – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Jody Coolahan (Alternate) – Accepted
-Jasmine Haskell (Alternate) – Accepted
*Election to take place for Alternate position in January

Parking Advisory Committee (2 positions)

-Myrissa Krenzler – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Jasmine Haskell – Accepted/Acclaimed

Communications Committee

-No new members

Social Committee (no limit)

-No new members

Shop Stewards (no limit)

-Jasmine Haskell (as part of being on Grievance committee)

KDLC Delegate (entitled to 9 delegates)

-Lois Rugg – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Cindy Ozouf – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Jasmine Haskell – Accepted/Acclaimed
-Debbie Wasylyshyn – Accepted/Acclaimed

Okanagan Mainline District representatives

-President and members of Executive attend
-Navin Jain put his name forward

Elections will take place in January for the JE Alternate and we will also continue to seek nominations for any vacancies.

The Kamloops and District Labour Council has an opportunity to have a representative on the BC Fed Executive Council for a two year term. Motion was made to support Lois’s candidacy and any expenses for BC Fed Executive Council Meetings with expenses to come out of the University Committee budget line.

M/S/C: Melissa Schuurman/Lyn Ferec/All-in-favour

Discussion: Lois noted that there will probably be limited expenses this year due to no in-person meetings.

Good of the Union:

Members in attendance at the meeting were entered into a draw for our regular $20 door prizes.

Winners were:

$20 – Michael Dillon
$20 – Brenda Eshelby

Our next meeting will be December 9th via Teams.

October 14, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting (Virtual)

Here is a summary of the October General Meeting.

Presentation on the Municipal Pension Plan (MPP) changes
Presented by Karl Fultz.

It has been over 50 years since the plan has been reviewed and so the Pension board asked plan partners to do a comprehensive review of the plan. The plan partners have done this, guided by the following principles:

  • improving equity for members,
  • aligning benefits with how the majority of members use them,
  • setting a strong foundation for the long-term sustainability of the plan

Improve the Lifetime Pension

The proposed changes will result in an improved lifetime pension for the majority of members. For general membership, this benefit improvement is funded in part by the reduction of early retirement subsidies and the elimination of the temporary bridge benefit (for Group 1 only – CUPE 4879 members are in this group) on service earned after January 1, 2022.

Do away with the two tier tiered system of contribution

Currently members contribute to the pension at two different rates. One is based on their earnings up to the YMPE (year’s maximum pensionable earnings) and the other is based on earnings above the YMPE. YMPE is an amount set by the federal government for purposes of determining maximum annual contributions to the Canada Pension Plan (in 2020, it is $58,700). Upon retirement, members’ pensions are likewise calculated using two accrual rates. One is based on their highest average earnings up to the YMPE and the other is based on the highest average earnings above the YMPE. It is proposed that going forward from January 1, 2022, all members will contribute at a single contribution rate for all earnings and will receive the same proportional benefit, calculated using a flat rate on all highest average earnings. It is important to note that contribution rates between groups vary. Plan partners believe this is a more equitable way of managing contribution and benefit accrual rates for future service.

Plan for Long-Term Financial Sustainability

Plan partners are working to improve the long-term sustainability of the plan by stabilizing contribution rates, strengthening inflation protection to support cost of living adjustments (COLA) over the long-term, and introducing a new health benefit trust to further support retiree benefits. 

For more information visit


Members were also encouraged to sign up for a relevant MPP webinar.  This is not to answer personal questions about your pension but rather to answer general questions about the changes and how they may affect you.
Attached is the invitation to MPP Redesign Web Info Sessions including a date specifically for the Post Secondary Sector. Thursday October 22nd, 5 to 6pm.  See attachment to register.
BCFED 2020


The BC Federation of Labour will hold the 59th constitutional convention on November 24, 25 and 26, 2020.

Because of the continuing pandemic, this will be the first entirely virtual convention in the BC Fed’s history.

A Motion was passed to send the our alloted 6 delegates including President and 5 delegates (with preference given to the 4879 Executive) and one alternate.

Elected along with President Lois Rugg were Karl Fultz, Melissa Schuurman, Cindy Ozouf, Linda Fleck.  There is one vacancy and the Executive will seek interested persons to fill it.

CUPE National Post-secondary Sector Conference October 21, 2020

CUPE 4879 will be sending 4 delegates to this conference virtually which includes the President, Lois Rugg and Karl Fultz, Cindy Ozouf and Melissa Schuurman.  This conference is held in alternate years to the National Convention and brings together CUPE leaders from across the country in all sectors including the Post Secondary Sector.  The conference was budgeted for but will cost substantially less due to no travel expenses. The delegates look forward to attending the first virtual sector conference and will be reporting back to the membership.  Normally a two day meeting plus travel, this will now be a ½ day conference held on Wednesday October 21st.

Drive through for your CUPE 4879 COVID Kits

The Executive will be “cool” in the fall weather, rain or shine wearing our CUPE 4879 masks to deliver your CUPE 4879 COVID kits to you.  We are planning the drive through on Monday October 26th from 10am to 1pm.  You will find us located at the round about near the House of Learning.  Plan to drive, bike or walk through.  We will be practising safe physical distancing and we look forward to seeing many of you in person on this day.

Updates on layoffs and early retirement

Lois reported that although the result of impending layoff notices was better than anticipated sadly there were still several members that were adversely affected.  As a result of the COVID pandemic, 79 layoff notices were issued in June with an additional 29 notices in anticipation of senior persons exercising their bumping options.  In the end there were 14 people who were laid off with options to take recall or change their status to auxiliary.  2 members chose severance.  16 members chose to accept a temporary leave. The union still considers the temporary leave a lay off and it may affect other members if those on temporary leave choose to bump when their leaves have ended.  12 persons in total bumped into a junior positions, 18 people accepted reduced hours (hours were reduced by 15%). 26 notices at the time of the report were officially rescinded. There were also several people who had received notice that posted into vacant positions and a few that have been temporarily reassigned.  There are many more members who have been affected overall due to the pandemic including temporary contracts that have not been renewed, auxiliary members not currently being given assignments, fewer vacancies being posted or available, fewer co-op students being hired on campus and reduction in work study students in most areas on campus.

The Union recognizes that regardless of the results that all members have been affected by the pandemic and in particular those given layoffs and notices.  It was a long stressful summer for many while people had to await their fate.

The early retirement incentive was good news for many that have been considering retiring and for some it has presented an opportunity to retire sooner than planned.  At the time of this report there were 48 members who put forward their interest to Human Resources to consider the ERIP.  Members have been meeting with HR to look at what their personal retirement plan may look like.  We believe that there will be close to 100 persons across campus and constituents that will be taking advantage of the ERIP.  The reality is that some positons being vacated will be made redundant, however the Union holds out some hope that some positions will need to be filled sooner than later.  The ERIP is a short term money saving plan for TRU and some vacancies will not be filled immediately or they may consider restructuring the work and how it is produced.

Although the Union is happy for members who are able to retire we will miss everyone immensely.  A reminder for those retiring to let the CUPE office know so we can get our retirement gifts and appreciation to you for your service and wishes for a well deserved retirement.

CUPE4879 Hardship Fund.

The money for this fund was voted on at the September budget meeting and has been created knowing that the Pandemic has put some of our members into a crisis situation.  Documents on who is eligible and how to apply are attached.  For more information  contact Connie at cupe4879@shaw.ca.  The money granted will be $100 per request.  Applicants will need to demonstrate their financial need and will be vetted through our CUPE administration office and then approved by the Executive. Names of persons who apply will be held in confidence. Members can apply for the fund from now until June 30th.

Door Prizes

People who attended the general meeting had their names entered for door prizes.  And the winners are…Meghan Hayre and Rien Okawa who each won $25 “Turkey” GC) and the $20 door prizes winners were Karl Fultz and Teresa Dickmeyer.  Congrats to all J

Next Meeting

Reminder the Next General Meeting in November and will be the Nomination Meeting.  A list of positions up for election will be made available soon.  If an election is needed for those positions that will take place at our January General Meeting.  Also note that the usual day of the GM falls on November 11th a stat holiday so the Executive will have to look at alternate available dates and will provide notice when a decision has been made.

Please stay safe everyone.  If you need support do not hesitate to reach out to members of our executive.


September 9, 2020– Summary of our Membership Meeting (Virtual)

Thanks to all who joined us at the CUPE 4879  General Meeting September 9th via Microsoft Teams. Here is a summary of the meeting.


The voting procedure was adapted for the online meeting using Survey Monkey.  The following positions were elected for the remainder of the term to January 2021:

Recording Secretary – Melissa Schuurman (acclaimed)

JE Alternate – Nominated –  Brenda Eshelby, Joanne Atherton.  Elected – Joanne Atherton.

Additional OH&S rep –  Jason Staruiala (acclaimed).

Many thanks to those who have given their time and commitment in positions on the committees and thanks to those members who let their names stand.


Lyn Ferec, CUPE 4879 Treasurer, presented the 2020/2021 budget.  Notably in the budget is a new Hardship line to support members in need.  Parameters for eligibility and use of the fund will be determined and put into place shortly.  Money for a cost share campaign in conjunction with the CUPE BC University sector was approved to help highlight the need for better funding for Post Secondary Institutions.  The Budget was overwhelmingly approved by the membership.

Thank you to Lyn for her role in keeping our local in good financial standing and to our Administrative Assistant, Connie Angman.

Letter LOA R:

Melissa Schuurman reported on the initiatives of the Wellness, Innovation and Training Committee.
Funding has been approved for the following initiatives:

  • Fitness classes on campus and off-site – details to be announced by TRU Recreation
  • Lunch n Learn Webinars – dates to be announced
    • Building Resilience in Uncertain Times (COVID-19)
    • Mental Health and Wellbeing: Coping Strategies during COVID-19
    • Working Remotely with Children: Practical Strategies
    • Overcoming Burnout
    • Through the Looking Glass: Thriving in the New Normal
  • Working Mind Facilitator Training for the Campus Wellness Advisor
    • The Working Mind (TWM) is an education-based program designed to address and promote mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness in the workplace.  Participants learn how to recognize changes in behaviour that could indicate a mental health issue – either in themselves or others. Participants learn coping strategies based on a mental health continuum model.
  • Workplace Mental Health Leadership Certificate Program
    • 6-week program expected to start mid-October
    • Looking for 25 individuals in leadership roles to participate (ex. CUPE supervisors, Shop stewards, Managers)
  • Femininity Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness training workshops – partnership with HR
    • Tailored to be TRU-specific
    • Two 75-minute workshops for up to 1,000 employees
    • Expected to start in October

Planning to send out another survey October/November to CUPE employees for ideas on initiatives to fund

Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP):

Lois reported that TRU will soon be offering the incentive starting with employees age 58 or older.  A letter of understanding has been promised to the CUPE Executive this week.  When the letter has been received, membership will be notified and members should advise HR if they are interested.  The employer will want to know by the end of October.  If there is room available for more to apply,  the employer will open it up to additional ages possibly up to and including age 55..  The program will be available to Faculty and Admin as well.


Some layoffs have been rescinded throughout the summer as enrolment numbers came in better than projected. However,  many other layoffs are going forward after TRU announced that they have had a reduction in domestic enrolment overall by about 3 to 6 % and a reduction in international students by 20%.  We know now that several administrative positions and Mangers  have also been let go and more are to follow.  The union has requested a report from HR on the layoffs and institutional cuts so we can assess the impact to our members. The Union will endeavor to keep the membership up to date as we have more information.  We ask people to continue to be supportive, kind and supportive in these times as many of our friends and colleagues go through an extremely challenging time and are making difficult choices.  We remind members to please reach out to the Union, Executive and Committee members for information and support.  Lois can be contacted at presidentcupe4879@shaw.ca or contact our office at cupe4879@shaw.ca.

Good of the Union: 

Members in attendance at the meeting were entered into a draw for our regular $20 door prizes.  Winners were  Alexandria Humes and Eliza Pycock.  Congratulations.  Connie will be in touch.

Stay safe everyone.


June 10, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting via Blue Jeans

Special note:     

Since our meeting on June 10, the Union has met with the employer and we will soon send further updates. We are going to be holding a special meeting on Tuesday or Wednesday next week to discuss the temporary leave letter due to this pandemic. We have decided to bring this letter back to the membership for ratification. In the coming days, we will be providing instructions via email, detailing how you can participate. Please watch out for this notice. 


CUPE 4879 General Meeting Summary – June 10, 2020

Executive present: Lois Rugg, Cindy Ozouf, Laszlo Nemes, Karl Fultz

Regrets:  Cynthia Bosdet, Lyn Ferec

National Rep:  Harry Nott

Recorder:  Melissa Schuurman

Meeting called to order at 4:35

Presidents Report:

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created a potential for a significant decrease in Student enrollments including international enrollments for the September 2020 semester and beyond. In order to mitigate this risk and to address the financial implications of a significant enrollment drop, TRU has made the decision to issue a layoff notice to approximately 80 CUPE members starting June 3, 2020. We know that this worrisome for all of us, but TRU has indicated that they value the relationship with each of their employees and endeavors to maintain these relationships whenever possible. Their hope is to rescind most, if not all of the notices. TRU and CUPE has been engaged in on-going discussions regarding the impacts of the pandemic. We are both working together to consider other strategies that might be possible in order to minimize the potential for layoffs.

Union stewards Lois Rugg, Cindy Ozouf, Melissa Schuurman, and Jackie Enders have been attending the meetings with the affected employees, which began on June 3 through the 9th. Meetings were held discuss the notices and to present the layoff options under Article 10 of our collective agreement. Members were informed that they do not yet have to make any decisions. TRU hopes to have a clearer picture of the financial implications in late August and into mid-September.

The Union continues to evaluate alternate options with TRU to help lessen the impact. One of the options is to include an early retirement incentive. We are still waiting for a proposal from the employer on what they would be willing to do for eligible members. However, they have indicated that this would be an option.

CUPE has also been supporting and negotiating terms of temporary unpaid leaves (furloughs) – about an hour prior to the general meeting, the Union reached a tentative agreement to use temporary leaves as an option. More details will be provided next week as we finalize the details in a meeting with HR on Friday. We are feeling optimistic that we were able to make significant gains concerning the unpaid temporary leave. We held off on agreeing to the original proposal until we could agree on a significant improvement that would be benefit our members. Thanks to Harry for his support in reaching this tentative agreement. It was noted by our National rep, Harry Nott, that there are legal issues/implications with calling it a furlough, so, going forward, it will now be referred to as a temporary leave.  The employer has agreed but you may still hear it referred to by some as furlough.

For members slated to go on the unpaid temporary leave, they will be able to apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and a one-time provincial emergency fund of $1000. There will be more details to follow early next week.

Please refer to the CUPE Email list for the detailed answers to questions posed during the meeting.  

In conclusion, please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions. Lois and the members of the grievance committee can discuss the options and support you whenever possible. We are all in this together and must continue to support each other.

Thank you to all of the Committee members and our colleagues who have been supporting members. Thank you to the Executive and our Assistant for ensuring that the business continues to get done through this COVID-19 crisis. Thank you to our National Rep for his support and help to guide us through this unprecedented circumstance.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm.



May 13, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting via Blue Jeans

Our General Meeting was held on May 13, 2020 via Blue Jeans

CUPE4879 held our regular General Meeting on-line Wednesday afternoon, May 13th. Thank you to everyone who participated. It was good to see and hear from you.

Our primary agenda was to update you on COVID-19 Pandemic and our apologies for the length of the information here but we wanted to provide you with as much information as possible.

The Government’s response to Public Sector Employers

In March, the Government had issued direction to all public sector employers regarding employment continuity. The directive is for employers to maintain employment and compensation continuity until the end of April 2020. This was to help ensure the stability for the delivery of public services and the workforce during the initial weeks of the COVID 19 pandemic.

The Provincial government has since created some guidelines for the employer to use in their decision making process going forward as they navigate the unknowns related to the Pandemic. They recognize that different employers will have to have some flexibility when making decisions.

We are still in a rapidly ever changing environment as restrictions and recommendations begin to ease up, however, there are a lot of questions regarding economic recovery and our ability to return to “normal operations”.

The government has provided all public sector employers with the following guiding principles approved by the Minister of Finance, including consideration of key factors in their decision making regarding staffing, including service delivery, fiscal stability and business continuity with the goal to contemplate the full resumption of services with the Provincial Health Officer’s guidelines.

The principles include

  1. Goal to protect public services – where possible maintain business continuity and maximise the productive use of workers and resources
  2. Operate within existing short and long-term financial parameters in consultation with funding ministries
  3. Ensure workplaces are compliant with the Provincial Health Officers guidance and WorkSafe BC requirements so that employees can safely be at their place of work to support resumption of services
  4. Work with unions, bargaining agents and other employers to identify opportunities including job sharing and redeployment opportunities.  Encourage employees to access leave provisions and/or federal income support initiatives.
  5. If business continuity cannot be maintained and reducing staffing levels are temporarily required employers should consider staffing plans that allow for a continued relationship with employees and a resumption of safe operations when the Provincial Health Officer guidelines allow.
  6. The employer will work with the PSEC Secretariat and Ministry to ensure staffing level changes and initiatives put forward are coordinated.


There is no end date provided with these principles and will be guided by the Emergency Pandemic Response. There are still many unknowns regarding both immediate and long term economic affects and the solutions that will result from this.

What we know so far

Many of our CUPE members are still extremely busy in departments around campus.  Workloads are likely heightened by the fact that Auxiliary employees who would normally be appointed or post into temporary assignments to assist with this work are no longer being hired.  Those Auxiliary employees should qualify for the Federal Financial Assistance programs as the reduction in work is COVID related.  We have asked the employer to flag the last date that auxiliaries have worked or when the hiring freeze came into effect in order to protect the Auxiliaries seniority until they are able to work again at TRU or choose to sever.

Postings have been put on hold for now and any vacancies or new positions will not be filled for the time being.

There are also many members that have had a large reduction in workload without the on campus face to face activities, classes, events and other support normally required. There are currently some members who do not have any work at all as a result. Where possible, the employer has tried to find additional work for those individuals affected.

So far, all employees have continued to receive regular compensation and benefits.  To help compensate for financial shortfalls, it has been communicated to our members that any remaining vacation and OT banks for 2019/20 must be used up prior to the June 1st (in particular those employees who currently have no workload).

We do not have the stats yet but we do know that a large majority of our members, who are able to work from home are currently doing so. Some employees need to continue to remain on campus if their work requires it and for others it has been optional. We expect the employer to update us on the continuity of working from home in or around May 22nd.   Decisions made by the University will depend on recommendations from Dr Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer.

We have noted that it has been challenging for several people to work from home for reasons due to child care issues, home schooling and work spaces not being ideal. As a result, productivity does not always meet the employers’ normal standards, or often our own standards, but for the most part the employer has been accommodating regarding these matters. The employer has recognized that everyone is doing the best they can under these difficult circumstances. We also recognize that some members are doing very well and thriving working from home.

The union continues to deal with issues and grievances as they arise or as we are made aware of them. We again encourage you to contact us if you have issues or just need to talk. We will provide our contact information at the end of this message.

Going Forward

As mentioned, the primary problem that exists for our membership going forward is that there are several positions on campus currently that do not have enough work or no work at all.  President Fairbarn announced Wednesday that TRU has been in talks with CUPE, TRUFA and the APA to discuss this situation.

CUPE Executive members have met with the employer several times to discuss options and how we may prevent permanent or temporary layoffs. The goal for the University and the Union is to maintain a relationship with those affected employees.

Our collective agreement gives the Union the ability to try to minimize or prevent layoffs via our Article 10:  Menu of labour adjustment strategies. The Employer is proposing, if the Union agrees, that employees who are identified with no current work or limited work will need to opt to take a furlough ( a temporary leave). The Union would agree if certain conditions can be negotiated for the members.

If the majority of the members affected, agree to the employers proposal, a furlough of between 30 and 120 days, there will be additional incentives above and beyond the employees being able to access the Federal CERB benefits of $2000/month and the one time Provincial Government benefit of $1000.   Benefits, accrual of vacation, pension buy back opportunities and any other incentive the Union can negotiate would be offered to the employee till the end of the proposed furlough timeline.  At the end of the furlough members would return to their previous position. The affected members would have an option to use their vacation, CTO banks and OT banks at the beginning of their furlough if they chose to get the full wages and then would be eligible to get the CERB benefits as well.  If the Employer wishes to extend the furlough it would have to be agreed to by the Union. If the employer determined that the position would need to be laid off permanently after the furlough was completed, the affected employees would then have all of the layoff provisions as per the collective agreement including the layoff notice period, bumping, recall, change status or severance from the University.

We understand that all of the Universities in the Province will be offering similar packages to their employees but we do not know the details as of yet.

Circumventing layoffs at this point with the hopes that we return to a normal or as close to previous normal operations as possible, may mean that many or all of those who were furloughed may return to their positions eventually and continue their employment at TRU.

We have asked the employer to identify the departments, positions and members that may be affected as soon as possible. Once we are provided with the information we will be discussing this proposal with the affected members directly. If the majority of those affected are not in favour of the proposal then we will need to look at layoff options for members as per Article 10 for positions as determined by the employer.


Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that our members are treated fairly regardless of employment status. We will continue to work with our National rep, Harry Nott and will be in touch with our CUPE Locals in the University sector to share information. Harry will also ensure that we follow the proper procedures when making these decisions.

We hope that we have covered the most important information here and answered your questions. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact our office at cupe4879@shaw.ca , Lois Rugg at presidentcupe4879@shaw.ca  cell at 250.318.9919.

We will get through this and understand the stress that all members are experiencing during difficult time. We will continue to be there to support you.  Please stay safe and be well.

In solidarity,

Lois Rugg, President
on behalf of the CUPE 4879 Executive



March 11, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting

Our General Meeting was held on March 11, 2020 and we conducted the following business.


We elected two delegates and an alternate to represent Local 4879 to attend the CUPE BC Super Conference being held in Nanaimo in June (June 23-25, 2020). Stacy Pena and Cindy Ozouf were the two delegates elected, along with Melissa Schuurman as the alternate.

Vacant Trustee position and a huge “Thank you” to Linda McAbee

Congratulations go out to Navin Jain who was elected to fill the 3-year term Trustee vacancy. Linda McAbee has resigned from the position of Trustee. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation for Linda’s many years of service as our Trustee extraordinaire. We are so grateful for her expertise, her activism in our union and her on-going support over the years. Linda will be retiring at the end of April and we would like to wish her all the best for a well-deserved retirement. She will definitely be missed.

Online streaming and voting

In other news, the executive committee shared an exciting initiative to provide an opportunity for members to attend the General meeting in May via online streaming using Blue Jeans Software. More details regarding instructions for logging in will be provided closer to the meeting date. There will be a unique code provided to members with a requirement to send an email to cupe4879@shaw.ca in order to ensure participation. In addition, they are also looking at online voting providers to accommodate our substantial elections and voting. Once we have completed our fact finding process, our hope is to incorporate these new procedures in our by-laws.

By-law committee update

The By-Law Committee has had one meeting so far and scheduled to meet again in April. They are working hard in reviewing the current by-laws that have not been updated since 2011.

Grievance update

Our president, Lois Rugg gave a report on outstanding grievances. Currently, there are five active grievances with the majority filed in 2019 for excessive discipline or selection process. We settled and resolved a grievance for a member that was scheduled for arbitration in January. Lois also reported that our union and the employer are working hard to resolve four grievances that have been slated for arbitration. So far, we have had one new Grievance filed in 2020 for excessive discipline.

Open discussion

We had some extra time for member questions and conversation and it was nice to get to know some of you.

Door prize winners

Thanks to all those that came out.  Door prizes winners were Tony Kuczma (the coveted CUPE 4879 mug), Cindy Ozouf and Karl Fultz receiving $20.00 each.

COVID-19 Update

As you are aware, our union is continuing to monitor information concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We have been in contact with the University regarding their response to the situation and the impact on our members and others at our Williams Lake and Kamloops location.

To keep current, we encourage you to visit https://www.tru.ca/current/wellness/covid-19.html  for further information, updates and communications from the University.

We will keep you updated with further information as soon as they become available. Please also check the CUPE staff email list regarding any union updates.

Hope to see you at the next meeting on April 8, 2020 at 4:35 in room OL 127.

Stay healthy!

February 12, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended our Feb 12 meeting. It was nice to see all of you there.

Presentation by HR on Article (11e) changes to filling of temporary vacancies

Amanda Ellison, Associate Director of HR, was our guest of the night. She gave a presentation on the recent changes to Article 11(e) temporary vacancies and its implementation as negotiated by the employer and the Union in our last bargaining round. The presentation gave some clarity on the Annual Performance Plan process and participation. It also covered topics on career progression and skill development along with some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the process. If you missed this presentation and would like to learn more, there will be opportunities during lunch n learn sessions coming up about this topic in the very near future. Watch the CUPE list for upcoming announcements.

Election of Grievance Committee for the remainder of the term (2021)

Congratulations to Joanne Atherton who was acclaimed for the vacant position in the Grievance Committee for the remainder of the term to 2021. We look forward to working with you!

Election of Employee Wellness, Innovation and Training Committee

The two-year term for the Wellness, Innovation and Training Committee will now have our local President, Lois Rugg and newly elected delegates Melissa Schuurman and Shilpee Sharma. The committee will assist in developing the terms of reference and implementation of the negotiated Service Agreement per the last round of bargaining

Election of Annual Professional Development Planning Committee

Congratulations! to Melissa Schuurman who was elected to the one year term position for the Annual Professional Development Planning Committee to represent our local on the planning committee and the Engagement Steering Committee Group.

Motion to send and elect 6 delegates and 1 alternate, with preference given to members of the Executive Committee, to the CUPE BC Convention in Vancouver, BC (April 22-25, 2020) with funds to come from the Convention budget line, not to exceed $17,000

A motion was passed to send and elect 6 delegates and 1 alternate to the Annual CUPE BC Convention April 22-25, 2020.  This year’s delegates will consist of: President, Lois Rugg, and the following Executive members: Lyn Ferec, Cindy Ozouf and Karl Fultz. The elected delegates joining us this year is Melissa Schuurman and Joanne Atherton. Our alternate delegate is Navin Jain. The CUPE BC convention is held annually and is the parliament of the provincial division of CUPE BC. It is where resolutions are discussed and passed and direction is given to the provincial executive board by all the participating locals and memberships.

Motion to send and elect up to 2 delegates to the Canadian Labour Congress Convention in Vancouver, BC (May 4-8, 2020)

A motion was passed to send and elect up to 2 delegates to the Canadian Labour Congress Convention (CLC).  Our local is entitled to send one delegate and an alternate. However, CUPE National has indicated that they will likely have additional credentials available so we may be able to send two delegates. Lois Rugg will go as the President and Lyn Ferec was elected as the alternate. If we are able to send two delegates, Lyn will attend as the second delegate and Cindy Ozouf will be the 2nd alternate. The CLC convention is the parliament of the congress and its affiliated unions from across Canada and will be held in Vancouver, May 4-8, 2020.

Hope to see you at our next meeting on March 11, 2020 at 4:35 pm Room OL 127.

January 8, 2020 – Summary of our Membership Meeting

Thank you to everyone that was able to come out to the meeting last night and to those individuals who let their name stand for this year’s election. Your willingness to do this important work for the membership is very much appreciated.

Results from the January 8, 2020 election is as follows:

Cindy Ozouf – 1st Vice President position for 2 year term (acclaimed).

Myrissa Krenzler –  Job Evaluation Committee for 3 year term

Navin Jain –  Alternate to the JE Committee for 1 year term

An adhoc By-law Committee was also elected to review the CUPE 4879 bylaws and are as follows:

Executive Liaison:  Lyn Ferec (selected by the Executive)

Bylaw Committee Members:  Melissa Schuurman, Chris Ward, Myrissa Krenzler and Eliza Pycock.

Advisor to the By-law committee will be our CUPE National representative: Harry Nott.

(Please note a survey will come out shortly to consider meeting dates and times for 4879 General Meetings.  Please take the time to fill out the short survey in order to assist the By-law committee in their considerations.)

Congratulations to all and thanks to those who have served on several committees over the years.Your time and energy has been so appreciated.

 A big thank you to Debbie Wasylyshyn! 

We would like to especially thank Debbie Wasylyshyn on behalf of the membership and the rest of the Executive committee for her many years of service to our local and in particular, for her years that she has served on the Executive as 1st VP.  Debbie’s contributions over the years has been immeasurable. At this time, Debbie has decided to not let her name stand for the position of 1st VP for personal reasons but she will continue to remain active in our local. Thank you so much for your dedication Debbie! All the best in your future endeavors!

Next General Meeting Feb 12, 2020

In our next meeting in February, we will be electing members to sit on the Employee Wellness, Innovation and Training Committee which will consist of the President and 2 elected members. There will be more information to follow.

See you in February!